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Featured Talks

Talks by Charlie Wardle (The Mountain Coach)

I am a confident public speaker, happy to talk in front of any size audience. I currently have three featured talks that I can deliver to your company, organisation or group either in person or online, as follows:

The Climb within us all

A powerful and personal story of overcoming depression, leaving the corporate world to help others and discovering the power of the mountains. We all face personal mountains to climb during our lives and this talk will show that with understanding, effort and patience, all mountains can be climbed, no matter how difficult they may be. Informative, motivating and inspiring, focused on how you can overcome challenges and improve your mental health. As Sir Edmond Hillary wrote after he became the first person to climb Mount Everest It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Climbing through the darkness

One in two of us will be faced with cancer at some stage in our lives. Diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer in late 2021, I had to go through brutal treatment and a very dark period. This emotional but uplifting talk is about resilience, finding the strength to keep going through adversity, lessons learnt from the experience and how to deal with life changing challenges such as this. As Sir Winston Churchill famously said ‘When going through hell, keep going. If you can keep climbing through the darkness with motivation and hope then you will once again see the sunshine. 

Let’s Climb Together

This talk is about how to improve the performance and productivity of teams by focusing more on their Wellbeing. Using an example of a 'climb up a mountain' as a representation of a team working in their organisation, we will highlight how best to climb together. Understanding all the objectives, looking to learn and develop on each climb and creating an environment and culture of empathy and enjoyment. Teams will become stronger, more resilient and happier. It’s not a race to the summit, as Confucius said ‘Happiness is not at the top of the mountain, but in how we climb’.


Prices start from just £395 depending on location and length of talk. 

    If interested or would like to discuss booking me for a talk please email  I look forward to hearing from you.